Are Orthodox Christians Imploding Before the Great Commission?
The Orthodox Church has a venerable tradition of evangelism. In many sectors of Western Christianity, it is largely unknown, despite its great success. After all, Orthodox Christianity reached Alaska...
View ArticleSpitting in Rome’s Eye: A Reflection on How Orthodoxy’s Sinfulness Prevents...
In my previous post, I mentioned some of the internal problems besetting the Orthodox Church, causing dysfunction (which I termed “implosion”). I noted how it affects the Great Commission and how our...
View ArticleAnnouncing Our New Site Dedicated to Liberal Eastern Christian Engagement...
As of this week, Red River Orthodox is taking on a newfound purpose. Up to this point, this blog has been an extension of my parish’s web presence, focused on Orthodox issues that directly affect us...
View ArticleThe Preferential Option for Division
“Ecumenism” is an incendiary word for Orthodox. In mixed company, it’s the kind of word that can cause immediate stomach discomfort for non-confrontational folks. Depicting ecumenism positively can...
View ArticleWhen Orthodox Were Told to Become Episcopalians:
One of the Orthodox responses against ecumenical relations that one hears now and again may be that “all of church history” or “all of the tradition” weighs against joint “non-sacramental” services...
View ArticleThe Tired Cliche of Orthodox Sectarianism
Recently, the Ecumenical Patriarch and the Pope of Rome gathered together and delivered a joint statement. The momentum of the event has led to an intended meeting of some kind to commemorate the...
View ArticleClarifying Caricatures
It seems my last post has caused quite a stir, from some internet chatter pro and con to an active comment thread to at least one email thread wherein it became open season on me for a while. In light...
View ArticleUpcoming Fordham Conference on Orthodox/Catholic Encounters
Those interested in such things, and especially interested in how tradition, secularism, and fundamentalism are features of this, should check out the upcoming Patterson Triennial Conference at Fordham...
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